Vol. 82 No. 4 (2024)
Affective polarisation as a social and democratic challenge..Edited by Ismael Crespo Martínez and Nieves Lagares Díez
Vol. 79 No. 4 (2021)
What is new on party activism in southern Europe?
Vol. 78 No. 4 (2020)
The social consequences of financialisation: actors, processes and structures of financialised economy in Europe. Edited by Matilde Massó
Vol. 77 No. 4 (2019)
Securitization, repression and the criminalization of young people’s dissentEdited by Kerman Calvo and Martín Portos -
Vol. 76 No. 4 (2018)
Varieties of populism in Europe after the Great Recession. Edited by Marco Damiani, Iván Llamazares and Manuel Anselmi -
Vol. 75 No. 4 (2017)
Sociology of Energy. Towards a Research Agenda -
Vol. 74 No. 4 (2016)
From contention to social change: Rethinking the consequences of social movements and cycles of protest
Edited by Eduardo Romanos and Katrin Uba -
Vol. 72 No. Extra_2 (2014)
Organizational innovation -
Vol. 72 No. Extra_1 (2014)
Procesos de exclusión social en un contexto de incertidumbre Coordinado por Eva María Sotomayor Morales y María Luisa Grande Gascón -
Vol. 71 No. Extra_1 (2013)
Monographic: Associationism and Immigration
Jordi Garreta Bochaca (Coord.) -
Vol. 70 No. Extra_2 (2012)
Methodological challenges in participation research -
Vol. 70 No. Extra_1 (2012)
Behavioral and Experimental Economics.
P. Brañas-Garza and N. Georgantzís (Ed.) -
Vol. 69 No. M1 (2011)
Immigration in Spain: innovative perspectives. D. Reher, M. Requena & A. Sanz (Ed.) -
Vol. 65 No. 46 (2007)
Acción Colectiva: enfoques, desarrollos y problemas actuales. F. Aguiar, L.M. Miller y J.M Robles (Coord.) -
Vol. 64 No. 44 (2006)
Sociología del Deporte. D.J. Moscoso y N. Puig (Coord.)