PRESENTATION. Experimental and behavioral economics. Theory, tools and topics


  • Pablo Brañas-Garza Granada Lab of Behavioral Economics (GLOBE). Universidad de Granada
  • Nikolaos Georgantzís Granada Lab of Behavioral Economics (GLOBE). Universidad de Granada. Laboratorio de Economía Experimental (LEE). Universitat Jaume I



Decision making, Experimental economics, Markets


This note presents the special issue on Experimental and Behavioral Economics. The volume includes some recent contributions from these correlated disciplines –empirical the former and theoretical the latter– and their potential contribution to the intersection of Economics with Psychology and Sociology. The project “El papel de la comparación social en las decisiones económicas bajo incertidumbre” (Junta de Andalucía, P07- SEJ-03155)” provided us with inspiration and financial support to publish this volume.


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García-Gallego, A., Georgantzis, N., Hernán, R. and P. Kujal 2012. “Managing a duopolistic wáter market with confirmed proposals: An experiment.” Revista Internacional de Sociología, Extra 1: 189-213.

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How to Cite

Brañas-Garza, P., & Georgantzís, N. (2012). PRESENTATION. Experimental and behavioral economics. Theory, tools and topics. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 70(Extra_1), 9–13.


