The Theatrical Metaphor in Social Interaction


  • Miguel Beltrán Villalva Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



Homo sociologicus, Regularities, Ritual, Rol, Social Reality


The scientific description of some phenomena makes normal use of metaphors in order to facilitate its research and understanding. Sociological theory uses rol to identify the shared expectations of behavior in social interaction. This theatrical, or dramaturgical, metaphor allows the construction of the notion of homo sociologicus through which it is possible to perceive social regularities that may be labeled as rituals, adding a great heuristic capacity to the idea of ritual drama. But it is necessary to keep in mind the epistemological risk of supposing that our knowledge of social reality is a mirror of nature, forgetting its ambigüities and contingency.


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How to Cite

Beltrán Villalva, M. (2010). The Theatrical Metaphor in Social Interaction. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 68(1), 19–36.


