Rationality and Deliberation in Collective Action


  • José Antonio Noguera Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.




Communicative rationality, Strategic Rationality, Rational Choice Theory


The theory of collective action formulated by Mancur Olson in 1965 was based on an instrumental-strategic concept of rationality that has been generally used by standard rational choice theory. Different social theorists (such as Habermas or Elster) have tried to challenge this view by defending an alternative concept of rationality based on deliberation or rational argumentation. In this article I discuss to what extent these challenges have been successful in offering a real theoretical alternative to strategic rationality as a mechanism for the production and coordination of collective actions. For that purpose, three questions will be addressed: 1) Is communicative or deliberative rationality conceptually different from strategic rationality? 2) Is it empirically plausible as an explanatory principle for collective actions (and specially for those of social movements)? 3) Is it more defensible from a normative point of view?


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How to Cite

Noguera, J. A. (2007). Rationality and Deliberation in Collective Action. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 65(46), 107–129. https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2007.i46.6


