Employment competences. Firms´ Requirements and Measurement of Mismatches


  • Isabel García Espejo Universidad de Oviedo
  • Marta Ibáñez Pascual Universidad de Oviedo




Employment Competences, University Educations, Educational Mismatches, Spain


This article aims to analyze some of the methodological key principles to study employment competences. After reviewing the importance of the analysis of competences and the problem of their identifications, the article focuses on the empirical analysis of two basic dimensions of competences: its utility for the positions occupied by graduates, and the adjustments and mismatches between the education received at the university and the one required for the job. This analysis leads us to the conclusion that we should stay away from generalizations, which are all too frequent, simplifying and distorting reality, since both the utility of competences and the educational matches or mismatches vary to a large extent, depending on the concrete qualifications and the type of jobs that graduates obtain.


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How to Cite

García Espejo, I., & Ibáñez Pascual, M. (2006). Employment competences. Firms´ Requirements and Measurement of Mismatches. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 64(43), 139–168. https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2006.i43.44


