Workers’ training in Spain. Changes during the period of economic crisis and recovery (2007-2016)




EU Adult Education Survey, wage earners, change over time, inequality, access to training courses


This article sets out to analyze changes in access to job training for workers in Spain in the period between the economic crisis that began in 2008 and the years of economic recovery and consolidation up to 2016. The last three iterations of EUROSTAT’s “Survey on the Involvement of the Adult Population in Learning Activities” for Spain (2007, 2011, 2016) have been used for data collection. The study examines changes in the sociodemographic profiles of the workers and in the organizational environments that are associated with job training. The results indicate that the initial inequalities workers face in gaining access to this type of training did not reduce in the period under consideration but remained and even intensified.


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How to Cite

García Espejo, I., & Ibáñez Pascual, M. (2023). Workers’ training in Spain. Changes during the period of economic crisis and recovery (2007-2016). Revista Internacional De Sociología, 81(4), e239.


