From census to the “census product”




Census, Concept, Overturning, Implications, Questions


Changes introduced in the Spanish census in 2011 and its development facing 2021 updating, call for an attentive debate on all the implications (“methodological, epistemological and political”) of a far-reaching transformation. In fact, this debate is largely pending. Moreover, given the progress of INE’s work, debate will have a long path to go once the results will be published. One of the questions that arise is whether the “operation” to come announces information with comparable levels of detail and quality to those now classified as “traditional censuses”. Another is whether the promises of better use of administrative records and technological resources for public statistics purposes irremediably make superfluous a public production, of slow renewal, but with a vocation for completeness, homogeneity, simultaneity and continuity: the one we have known as the census of the population.


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How to Cite

Cohen, A. . (2021). From census to the “census product”. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 79(1), e181b.


