Durkheim and Simmel, Two Sociological Ways?


  • Salvador Giner Instituto de Estudios Catalanes. Barcelona




Clasical Sociology, Comparative Sociology, Sociological Method, Sociological Theory


Simmel and Durkehim, whose 150 anniversary of their births we celebrate this year, represent apprently two opposing modes of doing sociology, and two conceptions of society. Precisely for that reason, they invite contrast and comparison. Though differences between Simmel and Durkheim in style, findings, method and subject matter remain obvious, there are also considerable coincidences and a substantial degree of convergence in their approach. This commemorative essay attemps to identify these elements and top show how both classical thinkers can, indeed must, be integrated into the common ground upon which contemporary sociology thrives and advances.


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How to Cite

Giner, S. (2008). Durkheim and Simmel, Two Sociological Ways?. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 66(51), 9–17. https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2008.i51.107


