The overcoming of the antinomy between realism and constructivism in Luhmann and Bhaskar. Towards a paradoxical foundation of scientific knowledge




Epistemology of social sciences, Operative constructivism, Realism vs. constructivism, Transcendental realism


This paper inquires into the epistemological positions assumed by Luhmann and Bhaskar, looking for a comparison among their conceptions of the unit of analysis and the scientific knowledge. Our hypothesis suggests that both authors convergently conceive of the distinction between realism and constructivism in paradoxical terms, thus overcoming its dualistic interpretation.


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How to Cite

Pignuoli Ocampo, S. (2019). The overcoming of the antinomy between realism and constructivism in Luhmann and Bhaskar. Towards a paradoxical foundation of scientific knowledge. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 77(1), e116.


