Exploring motives to pay for sexual services from opinions about prostitution





Clients of prostitution, Prostitution, Trafficking for sexual exploitation


This study explores the opinions of Spanish men about prostitution, especially of those men who have paid for sexual services. It is based on a random study of 1048 men resident in Spain and aged from 18 to 70, carried out via a telephone survey, using a questionnaire made up of 37 questions. Of the men interviewed, 20.3% have paid for sexual services at some time in their lives, and 15% within the last year. From the results a typology of prostitution clients can be extracted depending on their motivation for buying sexual services: Funners (24.1%) who are seeking leisure and entertainment; Thingers (21.7%) who want sex with no involvement or commitment; another 21.7%, the Couple Seekers, who are trying to find a partner; the Riskers, (19.8%) who, as well as sex, are attracted by the associated risk behaviours; and the Personalizers (12.6%) who are those who want sex with intimacy and companionship. These groups differ in their sexual satisfaction and in their opinions or beliefs about the reasons women have for providing sexual services. In function of these different groups, recommendations are made for increasing prostitution clients’ sensitivity and awareness about human trafficking.


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How to Cite

Meneses, C., Rua, A., & Uroz, J. (2018). Exploring motives to pay for sexual services from opinions about prostitution. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 76(2), e091. https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2018.




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