Local embeddedness in community energy projects. A social entrepreneurship perspective





Community energy, Energy cooperatives, Public service utilities, Renewable energy, Social entrepreneurship, Social movements


An increasing number of community energy projects have emerged recently, reflecting diverse sociotechnical configurations in the energy sector. This article is based on an empirical study examining different types of community energy projects such as energy cooperatives, public service utilities and other entrepreneurially oriented initiatives across the European Union. Based on an in-depth analysis of three case studies, the article aims to introduce a social entrepreneurship perspective when discussing the relationship between local embeddedness and different forms of organisation and ownership in community energy. The results indicate that community energy projects can expand beyond the local scale without losing their collective and democratic form of functioning and ownership. Moreover, social movements can act as catalysts for this expansion beyond the local, in a quest for wider social transformation. Social entrepreneurship may provide a suitable analytical lens to avoid the ‘local trap’ when examining different forms of organisation and ownership in renewable energy, and further explore the question of scaling.


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How to Cite

Vancea, M., Becker, S., & Kunze, C. (2017). Local embeddedness in community energy projects. A social entrepreneurship perspective. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 75(4), e077. https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2017.




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