The social dimensions of the perception of nuclear energy. An analysis of the Spanish case (1960-2015)




Energy conflicts, Nuclear history, Risk perception, Risk policies, Socioenvironmental conflicts


Nuclear energy is a complex technology that requires intensive use of resources and high centralized decision-making processes, whose governance poses a real challenge for democratic societies. In this article we explore the social perceptions about nuclear energy in Spain through the analysis of opinion surveys and secondary data about the main actors of three case studies (Vandellós I, Valdecaballeros, and Radioactive Waste Storage). The results show how the arguments of the several actors are based on very different dimensions of risk, often ignored in the surveys and by the actors, which represents a serious difficulty to overcome the controversies caused by this type of energy.


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How to Cite

Espluga Trenc, J., Medina, B., Presas, A., Rubio-Varas, M., & De la Torre, J. (2017). The social dimensions of the perception of nuclear energy. An analysis of the Spanish case (1960-2015). Revista Internacional De Sociología, 75(4), e075.


