Giving birth to death.Life professionals managing the bereavement




Coping Models, Health Care Professional, Neonatal death, Perinatal Bereavement


The aim of the study was to investigate the main representations, experiences and coping strategies developed by health professionals involved in perinatal bereavement care. A qualitative and phenomenological approach was used conducting a series of semi-structured interviews to professionals of different categories of obstetric areas of three public hospitals in the region of Murcia. The stories talk about of professionals trained for the life they have to face death, talk about of a lack of institutional training to the professionals react drawing on the experience, empathy or self-taught. They talk about painful situations that are experienced by clinicians with hints of tragedy, speak of care directed to the psychological management of mourning, talks about the transition from coping models duels based on avoidance and emotional detachment to others centered on the verbalization of experience and contact with the stillborn.


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How to Cite

Hernández Garre, J. M., Sánchez Sánchez, F. C., & Echevarría Pérez, P. (2017). Giving birth to death.Life professionals managing the bereavement. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 75(3), e070.




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