The struggle among modern forms of resacralization. The nation and the human person


  • Josetxo Beriain Universidad Pública de Navarra



Narrative, Profane, Sacralization, Sacred, Value Struggle


This paper takes into account –against a canonical and teleological approach of the general theory of secularization which is born within the western Christianity and according to it religion is a vestige of the past in an stage of modernity fully developed- the analysis of modern resacralization phenomena such as the nation and the person. On the one hand, three case studies as the French Revolution, the American Civil religion and the ritual mobilizations that follow the attack against the WTC in the 9/11 show us the empirical support to explain the emergence of multiple postaxial sacred forms. On the other hand, the modern resacralization of an other secular sphere, the human person, set off an other cultural dynamics. Finally, there have been analyzed two cases of modern societies where those modern resacralizations are projected as symbolic cleavages.


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How to Cite

Beriain, J. (2016). The struggle among modern forms of resacralization. The nation and the human person. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 74(3), e036.


