Cultural orientation in firms to innovation. A sociological approach to the Galician Innovation System


  • Carlos M. Fernández-Jardón Fernández Universidad de Vigo
  • Miguel González-Loureiro Universidad de Vigo
  • José Pita-Castelo Universidad de Vigo



Culture, Innovation Performance, Innovation Orientation, Organizational Performance, Sociology of Innovation


The organizations’ sociological characteristics have an impact on the performance of the innovation process. Therefore, knowing the sociological characteristics that best describe those ventures holding higher innovation results is particular relevant. Among these features, the culture of innovation in a certain context has been highlighted as the most relevant. This study aims at analyzing the elements shaping the cultural orientation to innovate on a sample of 441 firms within the Galician Regional System of Innovation. By means of multivariate methods, two types of cultural orientation to innovate were detected among ventures: a 47 % of the sample held a clear orientation to innovate, while a 53 % held a lesser orientation. The results showed the existence of a positive association between the cultural orientation to innovate and the innovative performance. Our evidence points out the culture of innovation as the duality capacity-attitude, i. e. potentiality-action. This opens new research avenues for delving deeper into the innovation sociology within the Regional Systems of Innovation.


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How to Cite

Fernández-Jardón Fernández, C. M., González-Loureiro, M., & Pita-Castelo, J. (2016). Cultural orientation in firms to innovation. A sociological approach to the Galician Innovation System. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 74(2), e035.


