Intercultural sensitivity regarding acculturation attitudes and prejudice in immigrants and their host society. A case study


  • Antonio González López Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
  • María Paz Ramírez López Universidad Pontificia Comillas



Intercultural Communication, Cultural Diversity, Integration, Multiculturalism, Intercultural Relations


The phenomenon of globalization has important social implications that justify the need to study the intercultural communication of groups involved in migratory processes in the 21st century. The main objective of this work is to analyze the relationship between the intercultural sensitivity and the attitudes of acculturation and prejudice expressed by a sample of immigrants and natives of the host society formed by 255 participants, in the city of Cuenca (Spain). Quantitative analysis revealed that both immigrants and natives choose assimilation as their attitude of acculturation and that immigrants showed a higher grade of intercultural sensitivity. Natives that prefer integration manifest less prejudice while immigrants that choose integration exhibit more intercultural sensitivity. These results are discussed in comparison to those found in other studies with different social and cultural groups.


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How to Cite

González López, A., & Ramírez López, M. P. (2016). Intercultural sensitivity regarding acculturation attitudes and prejudice in immigrants and their host society. A case study. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 74(2), e034.


