Empowerment. The holy grail of breast cancer campaigns


  • Ana Porroche-Escudero Lancaster University




Awareness, Breast Cancer Prevention, Gender, Health Promotion


This commentary examines the problematic ways in which breast cancer campaigns have conceptualised the concept of empowerment in Spain. It uses discourses and content analysis of seven campaigns to demonstrate how the concept has become the ‘holy grail’ precisely because it has been depoliticised. Two problems are examined. Firstly, it problematizes the lack of debate over whether current measures to promote the empowerment of women living with breast cancer actually achieve the desired ends (i.e., are they ‘empowering’?). Secondly, it questions the implicit assumption that the ends necessarily justify the means is questioned –understood as content and format of these campaigns. It is argued that the current framework of cancer education is based on the traditional epidemiological model which is more concerned with coercing women to adopt changes in their lifestyle and comply, rather than promoting critical awareness.


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How to Cite

Porroche-Escudero, A. (2016). Empowerment. The holy grail of breast cancer campaigns. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 74(2), e031. https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2016.74.2.031


