Informal norm of employment and the erosion of citizenship status. The case of shoe industry in Elda, Alicante


  • Carlos de Castro Pericacho Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • María Arnal Sarasa Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Arturo Lahera Sánchez Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Citizenship, Employment Norm, Informal Economy, Informal Norm of Employment, Informal Work


Since the late seventies many economic sectors from different geographic regions have developed a comprehensive strategy to reduce costs in order to stay competitive in the global economy networks. Flexibility of working conditions is one of the points that these development strategies have included over the years. In many cases, leading to an extreme their own logic, flexibility has led to a widespread informalisation of economic activity and of employment as a competitive strategy. The spread of informality and temporary employment in a sector not only imply itself the deterioration of labor rights but also prevents access to other socioeconomic rights (unemployment benefit, retirement, health, etc.) and thus the deterioration in the condition of citizenship. This article aims to describe the main features of the informal norm of employment that has been set in the footwear sector to indicate that such working conditions represent a deterioration of the condition of citizenship. The article is based on research in the footwear industry in Elda.


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How to Cite

de Castro Pericacho, C., Arnal Sarasa, M., & Lahera Sánchez, A. (2014). Informal norm of employment and the erosion of citizenship status. The case of shoe industry in Elda, Alicante. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 72(3), 661–682.


