Dark tourism. The Effects of Motivation and Environmental Attitudes on the Benefits of Experience


  • Te-Yi Chang Graduate Institute of Travel and Tourism Management of National Kaohsiung. University of Hospitality and Tourism




Benefits of experience, Dark tourism, Dark tourism motivation, Environmental Attitudes, Hsiaolin Village Memorial Park


This study aims to discuss the experience model for visitors participating in Dark Tourism. The Hsiaolin Village relics, which were destroyed by the 2009 typhoon in Taiwan, are selected as the research subject. A total of 341 visitors to Hsiaolin Village Memorial Park were interviewed through a survey questionnaire. Structural equation models (SEMs) were utilized to verify the causal relationship among the visitors ’Dark Tourism motivation, environmental attitudes, and benefits of experience in Dark Tourism relics. The benefits of experience in Dark Tourism are divided into social benefits, learning benefits, and pressure relief for psychological benefits in this study. The empirical results show that the higher Dark Tourism motivation could enhance the visitors’ environmental attitudes towards Dark relics and further affect the acquired benefits of experience. Moreover, the stronger Dark Tourism motivation could directly influence the psychological benefits of experience such as emotional and pressure relief. The direct effects of learning and social benefits are not as strong where the benefits of experience are affected by the emotional perception of environmental attitudes. In other words, environmental attitudes present partial mediating effects. The research results provide useful reference information for the planning of Dark Tourism relics and the development of tourism activities.


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How to Cite

Chang, T.-Y. (2014). Dark tourism. The Effects of Motivation and Environmental Attitudes on the Benefits of Experience. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 72(Extra_2), 69–86. https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2013.08.06


