Toward collaborative university. Promoting a debate on the academic organization model


  • Charles Heckscher Center for Organizational Learning & Transformation. Rutgers University
  • Carlos Martín-Ríos Center for Organizational Learning & Transformation. Rutgers University - Center for Management Innovation



Collaborative university, Change, Professions, Work organization


The goal of this article is to promote an open debate on the future of public universities and their organizational model. Current archetype of universities is under question. Though many factors contribute to these strains, this article focuses on the distinctive organization structure of universities and its struggle to adapt to societal challenges. Recently, growing pressures toward higher bureaucratic control on the promise to improve efficiency and productivity are observed. However, the pursuit of the administrative model would lead to a focus on conformity and consistency at the expense of innovation and responsiveness. In that regard, this study offers a proposal for a new organizational system open to stakeholders and the wider society through the adoption of more collaborative organizational practices.


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How to Cite

Heckscher, C., & Martín-Ríos, C. (2014). Toward collaborative university. Promoting a debate on the academic organization model. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 72(1), 203–219.




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