Lies, inconsistencies and ambivalences. Theory of action and discourse analysis


  • Enrique Martín Criado Universidad Pablo de Olavide



Cognitive Dissonance, Discourse Strategy, Legitimacy, Moral Career, Sociological ambivalence


Many practices of discourse analysis take for granted two assumptions: a) behaviour is more determined by interiorized culture than by situation; b) discourse expresses the cultural elements —attitudes, values, etc.— that are the principles of action. In contrast to these assumptions, the article defends that we are subject to numerous and often contradictory constrictions, which determine our action whatever our beliefs. As a consequence, we usually are not coherent; we do and we say different things in different situations and arrange our discourses and beliefs in order to justify our behaviour, handling strategically the stock of available cultural resources. Taking this into account leads us to focus discourse analysis on the strategic component of discourses, as well as on their incoherencies and contradictions.


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How to Cite

Martín Criado, E. (2014). Lies, inconsistencies and ambivalences. Theory of action and discourse analysis. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 72(1), 115–138.


