The influence of the local political atmosphere on electoral behavior. A study of the socialist vote in the 2011 local elections in Andalusia


  • Carmen Ortega Villodres Universidad Pablo de Olavide
  • Giselle García Hípola Universidad de Granada
  • José Manuel Trujillo Cerezo Universidad de Granada



Andalusia, Contextual Analysis, Local Elecions, Political Atmosphere


This paper incorporates the contextual perspective in the analysis of electoral behavior. Whilst focusing on the partisan orientation of the vote, this paper takes up one of the classic questions of contextual electoral literature: the influence of the community’s political environment on voting behavior of its inhabitants. We examine the influence of the political composition of Andalusian municipalities on the socialist vote in the 2011 local election. Our analysis shows that the local political atmosphere had a minimal but significant effect on the voting of its residents in the local elections. Accordingly, the political environment in Andalusian localities, pushed voters, whose immediate surroundings did not provide politically relevant information or were independent, to follow the local socialist majority. Urbanization weakens this local effect on the socialist vote. The other main finding of our research is the importance of informal social interaction in explaining the socialist vote, through conversations taking place in the environment immediate to the individual.


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How to Cite

Ortega Villodres, C., García Hípola, G., & Trujillo Cerezo, J. M. (2013). The influence of the local political atmosphere on electoral behavior. A study of the socialist vote in the 2011 local elections in Andalusia. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 71(3), 617–641.


