Non-response in face-to-face Surveys in Spain


  • Vidal Díaz de Rada Universidad Pública de Navarra



Face-to-Face Surveys, Survey Cooperation, Unit Non-Response, Representativeness


The gradual decline of cooperation in surveys jeopardises the viability of this tool in the future, despite it being one of the most useful in gaining knowledge of society. Since the last decade of the 20th century, substantial, in-depth research has been conducted into this social phenomenon, whilst at the same time there has been further “transparency” in the data collection process, as documents are disseminated which describe in detail the “events” that occurred during field work. This paper analyses the lack of response in face-to-face surveys conducted in Spain, considering not only those selecting interviewees by using random route and quotas, but also those using administrative documents, such as the population census. It concludes by providing a number of proven, efficient strategies for counteracting the effects of non-response.


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How to Cite

Díaz de Rada, V. (2013). Non-response in face-to-face Surveys in Spain. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 71(2), 357–381.




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