For a public sociology on participatory democracy. Reflexive feedback on research conducted in an association


  • Héloïse Nez Université de Tours



Critical sociology, Participatory democracy, Research-action, Social sciences epistemology


This paper develops a reflexive approach on the relations between research and action in works on participatory democracy; a topic in which bridges are numerous between academic, political and activist fields. It aims at analyzing the impact of the close links between sociologists and actors on the methods and results of research and, reciprocally, the role of sociology in developing participatory practices. Relying on Michael Burawoy’s reflection on “public sociology”, our own research experience in an association, and other research studies conducted in Europe, we define five ways sociologists carry out research on participatory democracy in collaboration with the actors. Beyond a reflection on the social reception of our research, the challenge is to develop a critical and committed sociology on participatory democracy with a view to contributing to the political debate and public action from a critical viewpoint.


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How to Cite

Nez, H. (2012). For a public sociology on participatory democracy. Reflexive feedback on research conducted in an association. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 70(Extra_2), 185–208.


