Citizens' perceptions of political processes. A critical evaluation of preference consistency and survey items


  • Åsa Bengtsson Åbo Akademi University



Citizen preferences, Direct democracy, Political decision making, Representative democracy, Stealth democracy


The current state of research does not tell us much about citizens’ expectations of political decision making. Most surveys allow respondents to evaluate how the current system is working, but do not inquire about alternative political decision-making procedures. The lack of established survey items can be explained by the fact that radical changes in decision-making procedures have been hard to envisage, but also by a general scepticism regarding people’s ability to form opinions on these matters. Political processes are, without doubt, complex matters that do not lend themselves very well to simplistic survey questions. Moreover, previous research has convincingly shown that most people in general have difficulties forming single, coherent and stable attitudes even towards far more straightforward political issues. In order to determine if trying to grasp attitudes towards political decision-making in future empirical studies can be considered a fruitful endeavour, this study sets out to critically assess the extent to which people express coherent preferences on these matters, and if preferences are in line with expectations in previous, rather scattered research. The study is based on the Finnish National Election Study 2011; a study which, contrary to most other election studies, includes a rich variety of survey items on the topic, and utilises a combination of strategies in order to explore patterns in the opinions held by citizens.


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How to Cite

Bengtsson, Åsa. (2012). Citizens’ perceptions of political processes. A critical evaluation of preference consistency and survey items. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 70(Extra_2), 45–64.


