Functionalism, reductionism and cumulative systems. What kind of analytical social theory do we need?


  • Francisco Linares Universidad de La Laguna. Tenerife



Agent-based models, Functional Explanation, Mechanisms, Middle-range theories, Theory of action


Functional explanation has been regarded as a wrong kind of explanation in the social sciences, since it does not provide micro-foundations of social explanandum. This article suggests that the analytical explanation of certain social processes (“cumulative processes”) requires both the formulation of self-regulation hypothesis and the provision of mechanisms based on a reductionist, non-intentional, conception of action. These are, however, the main features of a right functional explanation.


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How to Cite

Linares, F. (2012). Functionalism, reductionism and cumulative systems. What kind of analytical social theory do we need?. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 70(2), 285–309.


