Some worker´s stories. The temporal experiences and the narrative identities of the workers


  • Carlos de Castro Pericacho Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



Narrative Identity, Temporal Experience, Working Times


Workers´ identities are linked to the experience of time and temporal experience has undergone significant alterations due to the transformations of the world of work in recent decades. This article defends the hypothesis that each model of organization of working time results in different narrative identities. Furthermore, this article is based on the idea that the workers shape their identities through the construction of a narrative through which they combine their experience of internal time and external time. In order to obtain some evidence, the narrative identities of three groups of workers from different work contexts in which working time is organized differently will be analyzed.


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How to Cite

Castro Pericacho, C. de. (2012). Some worker´s stories. The temporal experiences and the narrative identities of the workers. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 70(2), 423–444.


