A Program for the Sociology of Philosophy


  • José Luis Moreno Pestaña Universidad de Cádiz




Epistemology, History of Contemporary Thought, Intellectual Networks, Social Sciences


In this paper I present, in the first place, the possible links between philosophy and social science, from, on the one hand, the auto-understanding ways of the philosophical work, and in the second hand, philosophical resources effects on the social scientific vocation. Subsequently, I analyse the philosophical protection against sociology. In third place, I study how sociology permits to improve the philosophical reflexivity from a thick description of the hierarchy that organizes the philosophical field: so, sociology of philosophy appears, not as an attack to philosophy, but as an increase of the philosophical work critical capacities. In fourth place, to finish, I explore philosophical nets as understanding criterion of intellectual creativity. The paper presents specific examples which came basically from the history of Spanish and French thought in the XX century.


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How to Cite

Moreno Pestaña, J. L. (2012). A Program for the Sociology of Philosophy. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 70(2), 263–284. https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2010.07.05




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