The local peace construction in Basque Country from the multi-stakeholder dialogue. The case of Beasain
Multi-stakeholder Dialogue, Local Peace, Complex Peace, Participatory Action-ReserachAbstract
The last decade of political and social life in the Basque Country has been marked by the end of the armed struggle by ETA, and by the development of a peace process with a strong role of social and institutional action at the local and regional level. This paper presents a Multi-stakeholder Dialogue through a process of Participatory Action Research for the development of peace and coexistence at local level in the Basque Country, specifically in the municipality of Beasain. The study is based on the approaches of Complex Peace and Local Peace, and shows a work process between social and political/institutional agents, the result of which is the collective construction of proposals in terms of reparation of victims and memory, rights of prisoners, and citizen participation for peace. Finally, some reflections on the Local Peace approach and the Multi-stakeholder Dialogue are presented.
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