Grid questions in telephone surveys. Do the answers change when the questions are asked independently?




Telephone survey, Multiple question, Liker scale, Acquiescence, Straightlining, Response quality in surveys


This work deals with the so-called “grid questions”: a series of items is presented (usually in rows), sharing a common set of response options (usually in columns), asking one or more questions about each item. These questions, very common in questionnaires, have advantages and disadvantages compared to the decomposition of the different elements into independent questions. This paper uses a telephone survey of the general population to analyze the extent to which the questions that are part of a battery are answered worse than when they are independent questions. Three questions have been considered, one attitudinal and two behavioral, all of them with five response categories. The distribution of the questions, together with the use of seven quality indicators in the answer, shows that the battery questions are not answered worse than when the same questions are considered independently.


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How to Cite

Díaz de Rada, V. (2023). Grid questions in telephone surveys. Do the answers change when the questions are asked independently?. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 81(4), e240.


