From boredom to calculating effort: the reasons for university absenteeism




university students, class attendance, pedagogical communication, school evaluation, qualitative techniques


University absenteeism is usually explained by student deficits. In contrast, we analyze it as a rational practice of effort management. The research is based on a case study using qualitative techniques in a faculty of social sciences. We found that absentee practices combine two conditions of possibility: “not wanting to attend” and “being able not to attend”. One does not want to attend when the subject produces boredom, which is a product of the pedagogical communication and the adequacy of the content to the students’ interests. When the subject is boring, students stop attending if it does not prevent them from obtaining the desired grade. This depends on the usefulness of attendance to pass the evaluation, as well as on the student’s school competencies and grade objectives. We conclude that absenteeism involves emotional reactions and rational calculations, which vary according to the characteristics of the subject and the student.


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How to Cite

Martín-Criado, E., & Alonso-Carmona, C. (2024). From boredom to calculating effort: the reasons for university absenteeism. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 82(3), e254.


