Protesting in the cradle of neoliberalism. Macrosocial explicative factors of the chilean university student movement in the post-dictatorship (1990-2019)




Latin America, Neoliberalism, Protest event analysis, Student protest, Social movements


The recent rise of social protest in Latin America has contradicted the hypotheses that predicted neoliberal reforms would weaken social movements in the region. In this respect, the Chilean student movement is paradigmatic both for its massiveness and for emerging in one of the countries with the greatest neoliberal consolidation. Using a database that collects the university protests registered in 30 years (1990-2019), the article analyzes some factors that could explain the protest cycle. The results show that the level of public spending in higher education, the number of student aid education recipients, and the economic growth have relevant effects on the annual frequency of protests (although with different strengths). These findings illustrate how social and political pressures from new social groups constituted under the wing of neoliberal reforms exert an influence over protest cycles, in the context of an increase of expectations and demands.


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How to Cite

Ortiz Inostroza, C. ., Villalobos Dintrans, C. ., Asún Inostroza, R. ., & Zúñiga Rivas, C. . (2023). Protesting in the cradle of neoliberalism. Macrosocial explicative factors of the chilean university student movement in the post-dictatorship (1990-2019). Revista Internacional De Sociología, 81(1), e222.




Funding data

Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica
Grant numbers 1160303;CONICYT-PFCHA/ Magíster Nacional/ 2017-22172412