The complexity and diversity of youth group figurations. Beyond the peer group




Figurations, Peer group, Sociality, Youth, Youth groupings


The literature on youth sociality has emphasized the centrality of the peer group in youth relationships, pointing at its important functions to the passage to adult life. However, this symbolic monopoly of the peer group (group primary relationships) has led to the neglect of the plurality of youth groupings, as much as other forms of youth sociality that might be relevant in the lives of young people, including interpersonal relations and secondary groupings. Through the analysis of in-depth interviews with young people, carried out in 1994 and 2017, the most important figurations are identified and their characteristics and dynamics described. Results show that the peer group (base group) shares relevance with other forms of less intimate, but not less important, sociality, secondary groups, as well as with interpersonal relationships, as dyads. Furthermore, the current relevance of affinity relationships and some transformations in gender composition of youth groupings are also shown.



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How to Cite

Revilla, J. C. ., & Gonzalo Puyod, A. . (2023). The complexity and diversity of youth group figurations. Beyond the peer group. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 81(1), e221.




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