Sociodemographic markers and new technologies in the catalan generations. 1926-2005




generations, digital revolution, educational attaintment, immigration


In his paper we delimit and characterise contemporary Catalan generations according to their size and three socio-demographic markers (place of birth, level of education and their position in the digital revolution). We frame them according to the historical events that have marked their youth and gender differences. Using data from population censuses and the continuous census, we have confirmed that the analysed socio-demographic characteristics stand as generational boundaries. Exploiting the Instituto Nacional de Estadística ICT household usage survey, we found signs of generational differences. The proposed ten-year grouping is more accurately adapted to the Catalan context and, by extension, to the Spanish context, providing a basis for future research from a generational perspective.


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How to Cite

Damoun, O., Domingo, A., & Bayona i Carrasco, J. . (2024). Sociodemographic markers and new technologies in the catalan generations. 1926-2005. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 82(1), e247.




Funding data

Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Grant numbers PID2020-113730RB-I00