Social relationships in the ‘entrepreneurial journey’: interpretative frameworks used by young women entrepreneurs




femininity, entrepreneurship, neoliberalism, subjectivities, social relationships


This research focuses on the analysis of the interpretative frameworks used to give meaning to social relationships within the context of entrepreneurship. To this end, the narratives produced by 30 women entrepreneurs have been analysed from a critical discourse analysis perspective. All the interviewees have participated in training programmes for women entrepreneurs with different types of connections to public administrations or in self-managed groups by women entrepreneurs in Spain. In the analysis, two interpretative frameworks have been found: strategic and interdependent. This topic allows to explore the meanings given to a dimension, such as the social relations within entrepreneurship, which is often obscured in the hegemonic entrepreneurial discourse.


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How to Cite

Carretero García, C. (2024). Social relationships in the ‘entrepreneurial journey’: interpretative frameworks used by young women entrepreneurs. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 82(1), e245.




Funding data

Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Grant numbers CSO2017-82839-P