Inequality-justifying beliefs moderate the relationship between socioeconomic status and support for redistribution




Economic inequality, Ideology, Socioeconomic status, Subjective status, Redistribution


This article evaluates the interaction between socioeconomic status and inequality-justifying beliefs on support for redistribution. Using survey data from São Paulo (Brazil) (N=928), we found that support for redistribution was negatively associated with subjective socioeconomic status; but was positively related to objective socioeconomic status. In addition, system-justifying beliefs moderated this relationship. On the one hand, the negative effect of subjective status on support for redistribution was stronger for people who support system-justifying beliefs. On the other hand, the positive effect between objective status and support for redistribution occurred only for people who rejected these beliefs. The results suggest that the effect of socioeconomic status on support for redistribution depends on the degree of support for system-justifying beliefs.


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How to Cite

García-Sánchez, E., & de Carvalho Galvão, S. (2022). Inequality-justifying beliefs moderate the relationship between socioeconomic status and support for redistribution. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 80(3), e210.




Funding data

Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
Grant numbers 2019/10046-4;2013/07923-7