Spin-off parties, niche parties and radical right: The case of Vox in Spain





Niche parties, Radical right, Spin-off parties, VOX


Studies on VOX have focused on the analysis of the profile of its voters, the logic of its ideology and its relationship with the radical right. The present work tries to be a contribution to the study of this party analyzing its differences with the niche parties, characteristic of the European radical right. To this end, the study develops the analytical category of the spin-off parties, their origin, their type of leadership and their strategy of multiple issues rather than a single issue, such as niche parties. Likewise, the work develops the analysis of the porosity and transfer of leaders and voters between VOX and its competitors, especially the PP, as well as the containment strategy of the mainstream parties to face the electoral success of the spin-off party.


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How to Cite

Garrido Rubia, A. ., Martínez Rodríguez, M. A. ., & Mora-Rodríguez, A. . (2022). Spin-off parties, niche parties and radical right: The case of Vox in Spain. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 80(2), e207. https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2022.


