Locating “knowledge workers” in large urban regions: an integrated analysis of personal trajectories and attraction and retention factors in Madrid





Human capital, Workers’ trajectories, Location motivations, Urban regions


The attraction and retention of knowledge workers are considered fundamental vectors for urban development. This explains the interest in understanding the forces that guide the location of these workers and the basis for the attractiveness of the main cities. This research is based on the interpretive scheme of prior studies conducted at the European level and aims to analyse the trajectories and reason of knowledge workers to locate in Madrid, based on an ad hoc online survey. The results confirm the importance of “hard” factors related to employment opportunities for newcomers; over “soft” factors, related to the availability of urban amenities and lifestyles, which seem to influence specific groups and the retention of workers who have been in the region the longest. “Network” factors, such as both family and professional networks, contribute to this. All of this has implications for urban policies.


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How to Cite

Moreno, D. ., Sánchez-Moral, S. ., & Díez-Pisonero, R. . (2021). Locating “knowledge workers” in large urban regions: an integrated analysis of personal trajectories and attraction and retention factors in Madrid. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 79(3), e192. https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2021.




Funding data

Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Grant numbers CSO2016-74888-C4-4-R

European Regional Development Fund
Grant numbers CSO2016-74888-C4-4-R