Population censuses, linked data and the future of social research





Administrative data, combination of sources, official statistics, record linkage


For the design of the 2021 Spanish Census, traditional data collection methods involving sending questionnaires to the whole population have been replaced by the combination of administrative data linkage, big data and an ad-hoc survey. Beyond the design of new census, administrative data linkage and integration of other non-administrative data sources are becoming more and more relevant in countries with advanced statistical systems. Reactions to these changes among producers and users of official statistics in Spain are addressed and assessed in this paper. The idea is defended that, with due methodological controls, data linkage is a crucial element for the advancement of quantitative social research.


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How to Cite

Requena, M. . (2021). Population censuses, linked data and the future of social research. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 79(1), e181c. https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2021.


