Life satisfaction according to individual contribution within the public and the private spheres among partnered spanish adult population




Gender revolution, Life satisfaction, Couples, Adult population, Spain


Our goal is, taking the gender revolution as a reference, to explore whether the relative contribution to the economy of the household and to carry out the domestic tasks of the household are associated with the life satisfaction of adult Spanish women and men seaparately who live with a partner. For this purpose we use linear regression models to analyze the data from the pooled Spanish samples of the European Social Surveys of 2004 and 2010. In Spain there are two different situations defined by the different economic capacity of the household: in households without economic difficulties, gender behaviors have a lower influence on levels of satisfaction with life; however, in those housholds with economic difficulties the more traditional gender profiles are associated with a greater male satisfaction, unlike in the female case.


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How to Cite

Gumà, J. ., & Arpino, B. . (2021). Life satisfaction according to individual contribution within the public and the private spheres among partnered spanish adult population. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 79(1), e177.




Funding data

Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
Grant numbers RTI2018-099875-J-I00

European Regional Development Fund
Grant numbers RTI2018-099875-J-I00