Who gets sanctioned? An exploratory study in prisons of the Spanish context





Misconduct, Prison, Sanctions, Social disadvantage, Social support, Strain


The study of prison misconduct and the use of sanctions is relevant to improve the safety and quality of life of those imprisoned people. Comparative literature departs from three theoretical perspectives on this regard: those that explain misbehavior as a consequence of the experience of incarceration, those that do it based on the characteristics of the imprisoned individuals, and those centered on the relationship between those who are serving a sentence and professionals, and with the penitentiary institution. However, in the Spanish context there is a lack of studies on this subject. This study uses self-reported data of 494 inmates in the final phase of their sentence to analyze the variables related to the probability of receiving a sanction during incarceration in order to propose prevention measures and new hypotheses for future research.


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How to Cite

Pedrosa, A. (2020). Who gets sanctioned? An exploratory study in prisons of the Spanish context. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 78(3), e163. https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2020.


