The implementation of the equality plans in Spanish universities: qualitative comparative analysis (QCA)




Equality plans, Gender, QCA, Social inequality, University


This paper studies the role of Spanish universities in the equality between women and men. The unit of analysis has been the equality plans developed by each of them, as well as the set of measures adopted by these institutions to apply and evaluate them. The analysis of the information has been done with the technique of qualitative compara­tive analysis (QCA). The result of analyzing 83 universities show that factors such as the quickness in creating equal­ity commissions, the creation of equality units or having the first equality plan are related to the quality in the application of the Organic Law of Equality and that public universities assume more than the private the application of the equal­ity plan. which are of obligatory application in accordance with the law. Based on the results obtained, it highlight the need to increase the sensitivity of the government teams towards the equality of women and men.


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How to Cite

Soto Arteaga, A., Sánchez-Rodríguez, M. I., Pedraza-Rodríguez, J. A., & Márquez, J. A. (2020). The implementation of the equality plans in Spanish universities: qualitative comparative analysis (QCA). Revista Internacional De Sociología, 78(2), e158.


