Sex trafficking, prostitution and erotic capital




Erotic capital, México, Migrant women, Prostitution, Sex trafficking, United States


The main obstacle of the neo-abolitionist model is its inability to explain why many women wish to remain in a situation of sexual exploitation or return with those who exploit them after being released. This research, based on a qualitative methodology, which included in-depth interviews to 155 Central American women victims of sex trafficking, departs from the following research question: why migrant women in prostitution continue in the sex trade even when they could escape from the situation of sexual exploitation they suffer? This paper concludes that migrant women in prostitution are not always passive victims seeking to be rescued and brought into decent jobs. In many cases, after evaluating other alternatives, they consider that the sex trade is more profitable than other activities, since the most important personal asset they have is their erotic capital.


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How to Cite

Izcara Palacios, S. P. (2020). Sex trafficking, prostitution and erotic capital. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 78(2), e156.


