Dismantling security in employment policies: the european flexicurity approach





Activation paradigm, Flexibility, Individualization, Transitional labour markets, Vulnerability


Although it is not very old, the concept of flexicurity has a long history due to the substantive weight it has been given in all European employment policies under the auspices of the European Social Model. This is a con-cept that is developed in a context of lax political regula-tion (soft governance) and where there is no tradition of specific social and employment policies, as it is an in-ternational institutional space where different traditions of the Member States could converge. Taking these as-pects into account, this article aims to delve deeper into the ideological-political meaning and character of the concept of flexicurity. To this end, firstly, we investigate its production context and the theories and regulatory paradigms on which it is based, secondly, an analysis of the discourse of some of the European Commission’s texts focusing on this concept is carried out, highlight-ing the unequal semantic load of flexibility and security within it and the semantic transformation that “security” undergoes. This evidence reveals a new reality in the world of work, in which workers and employers seem to have exchanged roles: workers have a moral duty to empower themselves with adaptive skills (their employ-ment situation will depend on whether or not they have done so) while employers become vulnerable to new economic flows.


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How to Cite

Martín, P., & Tovar, F. J. (2019). Dismantling security in employment policies: the european flexicurity approach. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 77(2), e124. https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2019.


