Models of the dynamics of opinion. A literature review




Agent-based models, Explanation, Social Influence, Social simulation, Sociophysics


The study of public opinion is turning in the last years, the study from the traditional descriptive approach with informative and advising purposes to a new explanatory and generativist approach. This new perspective has focused on the construction and analysis of models where local, microscopic, interactions generate macroscopic regularities in public opinion. The fertility of this new approach is causing a publication rhythm that can be overwhelming. In this paper, we present an up to date revision of the literature on opinion dynamics models. We present the main models and their extensions, and organize the exposition around ten axes that configure the content of each contribution. The paper also offers some reflections on the main challenges for those social scientists that are interested in the dynamics of public opinion.


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How to Cite

Tena-Sánchez, J., & León-Medina, F. J. (2019). Models of the dynamics of opinion. A literature review. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 77(2), e123.


