Modes of survey and response quality




Acquiescence, Face to face interviews, Mixed mode surveys, Response effects, Telephone surveys


In this work we make a comparison between a face-to-face and landline CATI survey using two equivalent samples. The questionnaire has forced-choice questions with vertical disposition of the answers, and grid questions. In the first part we compare the presence of answer effects (primacy and recency) and the number of answers “not know”. The telephone survey has fewer partial nonresponse, and presence of recency effect in questions with vertical disposition with 4 and 5 categories. In the battery questions we verify if the telephone surveys have a smaller degree of differentiation in the scales, a greater election of extreme answers, as well as a greater assent. This phenomenon has been detected in the questions of 5 and 10 categories of answer, not detecting effect primacy in questions administered with card.


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How to Cite

Díaz de Rada, V. (2019). Modes of survey and response quality. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 77(1), e122.




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