Populism and Democracy





Democracy, Pluralism, Political Participation, Populism, Rights


Discussions on the relation between populism and democracy have become growingly frequent in the literature. Some authors consider that there is a virtuous relation between both phenomena, while others define the relation between populism and democracy as ambiguous, and a third stream views populism as a threat for democracy. In this article I review three books that are paradigmatic examples of the mentioned currents, and I support the following position: populism is compatible with democracy, and it reinforces its participatory dimension, but it presents certain tensions with political pluralism. In addition, the analysis performed in the present article suggests that the relation between populism and democracy takes specific forms in each case, and systematic comparative research on populist and non-populist actors is needed to better identify the distinctive features of populism.


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How to Cite

Castaño, P. (2018). Populism and Democracy. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 76(4), e113. https://doi.org/10.3989/ris.2018.



Research Note