Italian Politics between Multipopulism and Depoliticization




Anti-Politics, Depoliticization, Italian Politics, Neoliberalism, Populism


The aim of this paper is to propose an interpretative key to Italy’s populist shift in a context of multipopulism. The authors try to analyze the main populist phenomena that have animated Italian politics as variants of the same schema whose point of commonality lies in a shared civil matrix. The hermeneutic thesis is based on the fact that the pattern of multipopulism in Italy has been determined by a succession of populist variants that have only one factor in common: belonging to civil society and, consequently, a marked antipolitical inclination. This anti-political mass attitude and the subsequent cases of populism are associated to the depoliticization process in Italy. By depoliticization the authors mean a set of changes in the ways political power is exercised in the neoliberal era by legitimizing actors less able to witness the presence of the “political”.


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How to Cite

Anselmi, M., & de Nardis, F. (2018). Italian Politics between Multipopulism and Depoliticization. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 76(4), e111.




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