Management and Society in the Work of Peter Drucker


  • Carlos Jesus Fernández Rodríguez Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)



Corporation, Knowledge, Management Guru, Post-capitalist Society


This article tries to highlight, from a critical perspective, the sociological aspects in the works by the famous management guru Peter Drucker. Therefore, it is proposed a discourse analysis which makes reference to the evolution of his thought, especially in two issues. Firstly, there is a focus on the changes in the relationship between corporation and society, which highlight how the author has moved from a organicist perspective of society to a denial of the social itself in his last works. Secondly, there is an analysis of the vision of the current society as a post-capitalist society, in which the State plays a minor role and knowledge reveals itself as the key socially differential factor.


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How to Cite

Fernández Rodríguez, C. J. (2008). Management and Society in the Work of Peter Drucker. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 66(49), 195–218.




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