Third Sector and Public Administrations. Relationships at the Regional and Local Level


  • José Luis Izquieta Etulain Universidad de Valladolid
  • José Javier Callejo González Universidad de Valladolid
  • Juan Mª Prieto Lobato Universidad de Valladolid



Welfare State, Volunteering, Social Services, Spain


The organizations of the Third Sector have experienced in the last years a great expansion and have reached a notable social recognition. Public administrations consider often these entities as interlocutors and foment their expansion as a social good. The present work centres on the relations that are established between them and the Administration in a specific, but relevant area, since it is that of the social attention. From an investigation on the organizations that operate in Castile and León is analyzed and confirmed the heterogeneity of the organizations in the area of social attention, the way and the scope of the relations that they establish with the social public services and the role that they play in the well-being and in the participation of the citizens.


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How to Cite

Izquieta Etulain, J. L., Callejo González, J. J., & Prieto Lobato, J. M. (2008). Third Sector and Public Administrations. Relationships at the Regional and Local Level. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 66(49), 115–139.


